Electronic Tubes
Electronic tubes, also known as vacuum tubes or thermionic valves, are devices that were widely used in electronic equipment in the early
20th century. Despite being replaced by solid-state semiconductor devices in most applications, electronic tubes continue to be used in
some specialized applications today.
One of the most common types of electronic tubes is the triode, which consists of an electron gun that emits a stream of electrons, a control
grid that regulates the flow of electrons, and a plate that collects the electrons. Triodes were used in a wide range of applications, including
amplifiers and oscillators.
Another common type of electronic tube is the tetrode, which is similar to a triode but has an additional electrode called a screen grid. The screen
grid serves to reduce the capacitance between the control grid and the plate, which makes tetrodes more stable and less prone to parasitic oscillations.
Tetrodes were used in radio transmitters, television sets, and other high-power applications.
The pentode is another type of electronic tube that has an additional two electrodes, a suppressor grid, and an additional grid, the focus grid.
The additional electrodes provided improved performance and efficiency, and were widely used in audio amplifiers, television receivers and radio
transmission equipment.
Some electronic tubes, such as the cathode ray tube (CRT), are used as display devices. CRTs were used in older televisions and computer
monitors, and they work by directing a beam of electrons at a phosphor-coated screen, which creates the image that is displayed.
Despite being replaced by solid-state devices, electronic tubes still have some advantages over their solid-state counterparts.
For example, electronic tubes can handle high power levels, are highly linear, and can produce very low distortion.
They are also still used in high-end audio equipment, guitar amplifiers, and some scientific research equipment.